My goose says that I’m really good at Lent. Now, I’ve never practiced Lent, but apparently my New Year’s Resolutions tend to last about the same length as the Lenten season. Yes, true, I do often change my mind or lose my willpower somewhere along the way… But this year I’ll do better. In fact, that’s my New Year’s Resolution. To do just a little bit better this year.
Last year, according to Goodreads, I read 81 books. So this year, I’m going to read 82.
This year I’m going to pray more and binge-watch Netflix less. To get a headstart, I’ve decided not to watch any solo TV during the month of January. I’m already 13 hours in and I’m doing fine (It helps to take the batteries out of the remote).
Last year I learned how to eat healthy. I’m 12 pounds lighter today than I was a year ago (let’s not talk about the seven pounds I gained in December). This year I’ll continue that trend. I’ll up the exercise a bit, and work on my mental and emotional health as well.
Last year I posted 70 blogs. So this year, my hope is to post 71.
But I want to do it a little differently this year. This year, I want your help. The name of this blog is Scribbling Hope. I chose the word Scribbling for two reasons. One, because my actual handwriting is basically fancy but near illegible scribbles. And two, because I’m constantly scribbling down notes on napkins and loose pieces of paper. Those notes get scattered around my house and my car, and every now and then I find one that percolates into a story, a blog, or a book. But that only happens when I take the time to slow down and reread the scribbles. That’s why I’m shunning my TV for the month of January. I need to reclaim that time. I need to organize the scribbles.
But I also need more scribbles.
So, I’m asking for yours.
Will you share your thoughts with me? Will you share your stories of Hope and Peace and Joy, your encouragements for this year? It can be in a short note, or a three-page essay. Share it as a picture, a story, a text, or a rambling phone message.
Tell me your stories. Let me weave them together. Because if we work together, if we lean on each other’s strengths and whisper hope at each other’s fears and worries, we can make 2020 so much better.
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Let’s make it better!