It's amazing how much more time there is when I don't turn on the TV.
I can remember when my goose was little and we didn't have cable. People would always look at us aghast when they found out. "But what do you do?" they would wonder out loud. Well, we could read. And we could play games – board games, video games, outdoor games. Sometimes we would pop a videotape into the VCR. And did I mention books? Then there was always just talking. Or drawing and writing. Exercising. Or reading…
That pretty much sums up the past six evenings. Well, all but the videotapes and exercising.
I've been doing a lot of reading, some writing, a bit of talking, and a lot of praying. Life has been peaceful. The pace has been slow and relaxing. I've been checking things off my to-do list without stressing over all the things I still have to do. There's been plenty of time to get it all done. So far, I'm liking 2020.
Although 2019 wasn't so bad.
In 2019, I finished writing my dissertation and did "stellar" on my oral defense, finally earning that coveted doctorate. I can vividly remember hitting send on the final draft and slowly closing my laptop. I let out a slow sigh, and then suddenly wondered, "What now?"
It was a similar moment to that day, years ago, after all of the chemo treatments, surgeries, and follow-ups. I suddenly looked up, seeing the world around me that had changed so much while I was on my journey. I'd finished the detour. What now?
My doctorate was another detour. A five-year journey with highs and lows, tears and exhilaration. I poured so much of myself into it that, like after the other detour, although I was so, so, so glad it was over, I felt a bit empty when it was done.
But I like my new diploma. And I love my new title.
While my students all call me Miss Nelson, many of them know that I have a doctorate. They're not entirely sure what that means. One asked me why I had two jobs – I'm pretty sure he thinks I go work at a hospital after the students leave. Another student gave me the cutest handmade Christmas card: "Dear Doc. Nelson…You are the Best teacher in the world!" I told her that it's only because I have the best students in the world.
So what is my next journey?
This fall I started an apprenticeship program to get licensed as an elementary principal. If all goes according to schedule, that should be done this summer. I've also been playing with ideas for my next book, and redefining my relationship with my goose. And reading.
Which reminds me: Thank you, those of you who've been sending me your stories. I love hearing and reading them. Please keep sending them. Keep telling your stories, keep sharing your peace and joy. Keep making 2020 better!