I have something to share. Something that may not rock your world quite like it rocked mine, but something that may cause you to pause and reflect and carefully consider your worldview. Some of you may shake your head and walk away. Some may do a little victory dance at a perceived step forward. Most of you will hold your breath for a moment as you seek to process how this fits into your belief system. I did all three…
Here it is: About twenty-five years ago, my son was born. About a year ago, they told me they were transgender.
During that year, I struggled. I cried. I processed. I rejoiced. I told a select few but kept Wesley’s confidence with the majority. I waited. I watched. I listened. I learned. I counseled. I prayed. And I clung to my Hope.
Sometimes Hope looks different.
Sometimes Hope means letting someone you love more than life itself make a choice you never dreamed of.
Sometimes Hope means letting go of the plans you’ve been building for 25 years, mourning the loss of the person you thought you knew, and embracing the one standing before you.
Sometimes Hope means being so, so afraid of future pains and discriminations while being so, so excited about new possibilities.
Acknowledging hidden expectations, prying open each finger, and abruptly saying good-bye to my son while opening my eyes and my arms wide to my daughter.
I never had a little girl to buy dresses for and experiment with nail polish and make-up with. And I’ll never have a grown up son…
But I’ve got Hope.
And I’ve got Wesley.
How many parents lost their child through a transition like this?
How many children lost their family, their hope, and their God through a transition like this?
I still have all of my memories of and all of my Hopes for my amazing Wesley.
And I still have my God holding my heart.
Wesley is trans.
I can see the physical changes and I can feel the emotional changes.
But Wesley is still, and will always be, my Wesley.
Please, whether you support us or choose to walk away, always be the best you that you can be.
Always cling to the promise of Hope.