I don't stop and listen
Nearly as often as I should.
I don't hunt You down
Or wait patiently
When I can't hear Your voice in the storm
Or the silence.
I don't shout your message loudly
To the busy crowd
Rushing to work in the morning.
I don't remember
To thank You
For every good gift You place
In my hands.
I don't live as I ought.
I don't trust You to solve the little problems in my life
Without complaining first.
I don't give my last dollar –
I might need it tomorrow.
I don't turn the other cheek,
And I don't always forgive…

But You always listen.
You always hunt me down
And hold me tightly.
You are patient in the storm of my life.
You shout Your message to me
As I walk beside the busy crowd
Rushing to work in the morning.
You keep placing good gifts in my hands.
You solve the big problems and
Shape me through the little problems.
You put up with my complaints.
You meet my every need.
You turned the other cheek,
Over, and over, and over again.
Through the death of Your son,
You forgive me
every single time.