It's harder to write when I begin thinking about all of the people who might read it. I can write for one person. And I can write for myself. But when I begin trying to picture multiple, individual people reading my words, those words begin to dance away from me, refusing to settle down into any semblance of interesting rational thought. It's less of a writer's block, and more that I have so many different things to say to so many different people. But nothing that I want to commit to paper for everyone. Is there such a thing as differentiated blogging?
But there's also a touch of fear. Fear of failure. Fear of criticism. Fear of not being witty or not being liked. Fear of typing the wrong words and accidentally insulting, or worse, hurting someone I hold dear when I was trying to encourage them. And yet, everyone I hold dear, who just read these words, is probably now searching for their own words to comfort and encourage me.
It's funny the things we're afraid of.
- Other people's thoughts – We're afraid of what they're thinking about us, and sometimes we're afraid that they're not thinking about us. And often we're afraid of what they're going to think about us.
- Not being good enough – as if anyone could ever actually be good enough. As if we even really knew what good enough is. As if anyone would actually want to hang out with us if we were good enough.
- Being too late. Being too early. Missing out on something – when we've got so many other somethings laying all around us to be appreciated and enjoyed. Not to mention all the someones.
- Being wrong. Don't we learn best from our mistakes? Doesn't that mean we have to be wrong sometimes? Why is it so wrong to be wrong now and then?
I guess if I had to say one thing that was meant for everyone to read, it would be: Set aside the fears for a moment. Just for a moment, stop worrying about what would happen if… Stop wondering what the others are thinking. Stop wishing you were better, bigger, smaller, older, younger, prettier, curvier, smarter, stronger, shorter, taller, braver, or just different than you are. You are more than enough. You are more than good enough. You are you. And that's nothing to be afraid of. That's something to celebrate!