Today I heard a voice whisper
"You can't do this.
You are not enough."
I looked around at the chaos around me
unfinished tasks,
half-written plans,
unanswered questions
and I had to whisper back
"You're right. I'm not."
But then I raised my head
I straightened my spine
and I lifted my voice.
"But I am not alone."
"I have coworkers
who walk beside me
and share the burden.
"I have family
who walk behind me
making sure I don't fall behind
and before me
to show me a way.
"I have a God
Who works within me
to strengthen,
prepare and protect,
and cherish me
come whatever may
whenever it may come.
"I am not enough,
but I was never asked to be."
I returned to my work
resting in the promise
that together, WE are enough.