you just need to hit the pause button.
Hit pause,
gently put down the remote,
and walk away.
It's not a full stop.
It's not a vacation
or an escape
or an avoidance.
It's just a pause.
A chance to smell a flower,
turn a page,
run to the bathroom,
or sit and stare out the window.
A chance to shut the computer and rest your eyes,
take a mask break,
take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
A pause to text a friend,
find a plug,
take a sip,
or take off your shoes.
A chance to rethink before you speak,
to change your mind,
or perhaps to apologize.
An appropriately placed pause
can prevent the need
for an apology.
A well-timed pause
can save a lot of time.
A well-used pause
can leave you with peace,
and a renewed positivity
and energy
as you reach out
to pick up the remote
and push play.