Thank You

for the confusion

that drives me to question,

to dig, to wrestle.

To spend time with You

in Your word and in books

written by others who have

dug and wrestled before me.


Thank you

for the painful moments

that drive me to collapse at your feet

in tears

as I cling to your whisper,

recite your promises,

and remind myself

over and over and over again

that you love me.

That this too shall pass.

That joy will come in the morning.

That Heaven is better.


Thank You

for the lonely moments

that remind me to sit and talk with you,

to be still and listen

for your whisper,

to look for your hand

throughout my story,

to retell the old stories

of how you’ve loved your people

and how you love me,

of how you will never leave me

or forsake me

and I’ll never be alone.


Thank you

for the peace

that floods my heart

when I stop and dwell on you,

that lets me hear the yells,

taunts, cries, and threats

of the world

without any fear of their bite,

because you alone hold my future

and you always hold my heart.


Thank you

for the Hope

that keeps me stepping forward

even when my blistered feet ache

because I know the rest at the end

will be more than worth it.

Because I know you will meet each need

and equip me for each battle

and provide for each moment

in that moment.

I may not have right now

what I will need tomorrow,

but I’ll always have

all I need for right now.


Thank You.