God is sunshine after a gloomy month,
piercing through the clouds
and warming my face, hands, and heart.
God is strength when I am weak and tired.
Wisdom when I’m stuck and confused.
Peace when my anxious thoughts
wrap tightly around my racing heart.
God is a friend when I feel so alone
in the crowd of rushing, wasting strangers.
He’s a father when I’m weeping with a broken heart,
wrapping His arms around me
and loving me through the pains of this world.
He’s a savior when I stand condemned
by my own words, actions, and hidden thoughts.
He is love when I need it most,
when I loathe my own self.
He is the way when I am lost.
He is truth in a world that lies.
Hope when everyone has turned their back
on the possibility of, or the need for, that hope.
He is life, rich, full, and abundant
beyond what I can dream of here.
He is.