Here’s an old one. I wrote this poem in 2016. It seemed appropriate today, though. I was planning to drive down to visit my goose over this much needed break. Unfortunately, circumstances have caused a change in plans. This poem is my reminder to make plans, but hold them loosely, and to always trust that God is in control.
We make plans
And God laughs.
Not in a taunting way.
He laughs in the way
a mother laughs
when her little son says
that one day he’ll grow up and move out,
that he’ll save his allowance
and buy her a house,
that he’ll live right next door
and come home for supper.
It’s a laugh of joy
at the heart
behind the words
while the words themselves
are blissful ignorance
and innocence.
Hopes and dreams without substance
or foresight.
Plans for tomorrow
Based on what we know today.
He laughs, then smiles and says,
“Keep planning. Keep dreaming. Keep hoping.
But keep your arms and eyes open.
Because I’m making plans, too…”