A heartbeat between two breaths.
A chance to run, or a chance to rest
upon an old promise that makes all things new,
sung by the angels to the faithful few.
If you choose to run, life just goes on.
Working and playing – an endless con
meant to distract you. To keep you from choosing.
So caught up in winning that you end up losing
the Hope in the Promise placed in a manger.
God born in flesh to save you from danger.
Maybe you won’t chose. You’ll just turn your back.
Ignoring the questions, you’ll try filling the lack
of love in this world with service and gifts.
With enough grateful attention, you won’t notice the drift
toward rewriting the promise that all will be well.
Surely a good God won’t sent people to Hell.
“I’ll answer it later when I have all the facts.”
For now, you fill life with kind, gracious acts.
The Promise grows older, the child to a man.
His miracles and parables are all part of a plan
to rescue the broken and redeem all the lost.
To love the unlovable, whatever the cost.
The Promise on the cross, stretched out for our lies,
our anger, our hatred, our theft, and our cries.
The God on the cross with such pain in His eyes
takes one last, deep breath
and then dies…
A heart beat between two breaths.
A chance to run, or a chance to rest
upon a promise made just for you.
You can have peace. You can make it through
this life in one piece to the Life that’s beyond
all we can imagine at eternity’s dawn.