I have a friend whose husband is having surgery tomorrow. This one is for him.


God’s got this. God’s got you.

Ever since before the first breath you took, God’s been there, watching you. Loving you. Waiting for you to realize Who He is.

And He’s still there now. Trust Him. Take a chance on loving Him back.

I can’t promise that when you trust God, everything is perfect. I can’t promise that bad things will never happen. I can’t promise that life will be all sunshine and walks with the dog.

Because you already know that’s not true. You’ve already held more pain in your heart than any human should. And sadly, I’m sure there’s more pain to come. Because sometimes life is painful. Sometimes it snows. Sometimes friends are unfaithful. Sometimes bones crack and hearts break.

But sometimes children smile and hold your hand. Sometimes wives laugh and give another chance. Sometimes you can turn snow into a snowman or disappear in a camping cabin up north for a few weeks. Sometimes there are such beautiful moments that you forget the sad ones for a bit.

And always, God is faithful.

Always, God will walk through the storm with you, keeping the storm outside of you. Always, God will meet your needs. Always, God will ensure that every pain can have a purpose.

And when we get through this period we call life, we can walk into His open arms and our real Life will begin. And then, our joy won’t come in moments. It will be a lasting all-consuming reality, and our pains will all slip away…

But that’s not today.

Today, I pray that Abba will fill your heart with peace, and flood your body with healing. Today I pray that your surgeon is getting ready for a good night’s sleep. Today I pray that the weather allows you to get safely to the hospital without further stress or injury. And today, I pray that tomorrow will be good.


God’s got this. God’s got you.

Just trust Him.