I was lost in thought for a bit the other day, and this is where I found myself...
I was pondering the aches and pains of life. But gratefully – because of God’s promise that all would work out for good somehow. Somewhen. And I realized that I didn’t need to know what was coming next or what would happen down the road because I already know how it will all end.
Christ will return. Every knee will bow. I’ll finally get to go home.
But then the realization hit me anew and again: that’s not the end.
That’s only going to be the beginning.
And for a moment my heart danced with joy at the thought of entering a joyful and glorious eternity with my God, my child, my parents, my friends –
But the dancing stopped as a calm but very quiet voice asked, “Will all your loved ones be making this beautiful new start with you?”
I sat in silence.
Yes. I know that all things will work out for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. But what about the others? Is that why Jesus wept?
So my job now, while it is day, while I have breath, while my hand can hold a pen, is to keep issuing the greatest invitation.
You’re invited to eternity. Your ticket has been purchased – at a tremendous price. Your presence is requested by the King.
Will you please join us?