Today I accidently put a mesh bag full of masks in the dryer with my laundry.
But I also forgot to turn the dryer on, so it all worked out.
I like those little happy moments in life when God uses my slip-ups and failings to my benefit. He uses my weaknesses to showcase His strength. Just like He uses my actions to show His love to the people I come in contact with.
When I let Him.
Because sometimes I get a bit too caught up in my current life situation to really notice what's going on around me. Like when I focus on how uncomfortable my mask is, or worry about other people standing too close to me in line. As Rick Warren so purposefully said, it's not about me. Or at least, it shouldn't be.
Although the first nine months of 2020 may have felt like an eternity, my time here on earth is just a tiny dot. Eternity is the line that I'm slowly moving toward with every step, thought, and action. Eternity is where Life will begin, where I'll finally be who I was created to be – without the fears and failings, without the sicknesses, aches, and pains. Eternity will start on that day when I learn from my last mistake and my last tear is wiped away by the hand of my Savior so that I can worship and love Him back with my whole healthy being.
But until then, I'm here and it's now.
But it is a beautiful now. The leaves are slipping into their fall colors, the sun is shining warmly, squirrels are skipping along on the power lines, and my cat's purr can shake the house. Yes, it's a beautiful now, despite the aches and pains of 2020.
So, I'll place the fears in my God box and hang up my masks to dry. I'll turn my gaze back toward Him, dance on my dot, and love on the people who share it with me.