My newest plot to encourage blogging is to sit at my puzzle table every day from 4:30 to 5:30. Ideally, the computer is open and there's a word document on the screen. Today it took me until 5:09 to get that far…
Of course, it doesn't really help that my cat hopped up on the table, sat down in front of me, and started purring loudly. Well, it doesn't help the blogging. But it helped me tremendously.
I needed that today.
I needed someone to come along side me and tell me how awesome I am just because I have two opposable thumbs and can open a can of cat food. As an added bonus, I can even get the cat treat jar open and throw a couple of treats across the room. That makes the THE BEST!
The poor choices and abysmal failures of life are so much easier when someone is in your court cheering for you. Bad days seem better when someone believes in you – be it a fuzzy, purring cat or the Creator of the universe. Sometimes I think God created cats just to remind us how much He loves us (Other times, I'm scraping cat puke out of the treat toy, wondering what lesson He's teaching me now).
So, for those of you who need to hear it:
You rock!
Whether you had a bad day or a good day, you did the best you could. And your best is good enough. And if wasn't good enough today, or if you didn't actually do your best, that's ok. You'll do so much better tomorrow. And if you don't do any better tomorrow, that's ok, too. Because you are still indescribably cherished by the Creator of the universe. And cats.
So sit back and enjoy the moment you're sitting in right now.
Stick up those opposable thumbs and smile.
You've got this!