Every now and then I hear another snowplow scraping by outside. I’m beginning to wind down and preparing to curl up under the covers but those plow drivers still have a long night of pushing snowflakes and knocking over mailboxes ahead of them. One of the many jobs out there that just can’t compare with teaching…
Today was a pretty good day. Most of my students tried to pay attention for most of the lessons. We didn’t have ice cream, but we studied some new concepts, and nobody got hurt. We also had an early dismissal due to the promised snowstorm.
I had great intentions of filling my extra hours by getting a lot of things done and trying out a few new recipes, but instead, I simply came home and curled up on the hearth and read by the fire, just relaxing and turning pages. Sometimes the simple days are the best.
Today is the 43rd day of 2019. I’ve been following through on my New Year’s Resolutions for twice as long as it takes to form a simple habit. I think I can safely say that they’re no longer resolutions, but a part of my lifestyle
My idea of binge eating after a hard day now consists of a couple of pieces of dairy and sugar free chocolates (I’m very happy with the latest batch!) and a handful of sweet potato chips. I’m getting quite comfortable with mixing up a loaf of bread every Sunday afternoon and grilling up the chicken for my salads while it bakes.
It’s surprising how quickly the new and different becomes comfortably routine. I can definitely do this for another 43 days.
Life is good. Even without sugar.