I’m sitting by the fire place, drying my hair, and contemplating the end of the year, thinking about things I could do differently, could do better, or could stop doing. As usual, one of my plans is to write more. Fortunately, this should be kind of easy. In 2018, I apparently only blogged fifteen times - eleven times in January, twice in February, once in April, and today.
That should be easy to beat.
Especially when I think about all the things I’ve got to say. The graceful passing of my Stella Belle, the heart-tugging arrival of Manny, the ongoing adventures of ‘the perfect car’, the gluten free, sugar free, dairy free diet I’m supposed to start tomorrow… And then there’s always the daily anecdotes of every day teaching in a rural public school in the town I grew up in. I’ve still got some stories to tell.
God has been active in my life, in my home, and in my heart. I just haven’t slowed down enough to celebrate and share the work He’s been doing. Which is why days like today are so important. Days when the pause is written into the schedule with permanent ink. Days when people are expected to be retrospective and to make positive plans and resolve to live more intentionally.
So, here goes. I resolve to write more. To see His hand in the world around me and to point it out to you. To tell my stories and to listen to yours. To blog at least 16 times in 2019. Together, we can focus on the positive and make this next year even more amazing than the one we’re ending today.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
May 2019 be full of Hope, of Love, and of shared Joy.