Dear Parents,
It’s week three of our remote learning limbo, and we still have a while to go.
I know this has been a challenging time for all of us and we’re all coping in a different way because we’re all facing different situations. Please know that the teachers are here and willing to help in any way that we can.
Here’s something that I’ve found very helpful: routine.
I want to make an important distinction here. A routine is not the same thing as a schedule. In the classroom we had a schedule. We started the day at 8:25 and had morning meeting until 8:55. Then we had WINN until 9:20, followed by a ten-minute snack and reading until 10:25. That’s a schedule. We were ruled by the clock.
Routine doesn’t look at a clock. Instead, you have a series of events that always follow in the same order.
Perhaps you wake up in the morning and eat a leisurely breakfast. Then you do some chores before reading a little and doing some academic work. Then a walk outside or a family game break with snack time. Then some more academics before lunch. After lunch, family free time where everyone gets to do what they want. That could be followed by a family science time, or some time online before supper.
These are simply suggestions. Find what works for your family. Intentionally create your routine together. The important thing is to build in time for both academics and for free time. Build in a spot for both your children and yourself.
Try to do it in the same order each day to give your children a sense of continuity and control. A little bit of normal. Then, you can go crazy on the weekends. Let Saturday and Sunday be different than Monday through Friday.
On my district website, there’s a list of optional academic activities at each grade level. Your child's teacher is probably sending you work as well. I’d recommend that you sit down with your family and chose which activities you want to do when and make a calendar together. You can decide how much you want them to do, and let them decide when to do it. Then schedule in family game times, quiet times, and electronic times. Be intentional as a family.
Talk to the teachers if you have any questions!