It’s finished! Book three: Join Me In the Journey is finally ready to publish and will be available on Amazon in three to five business days. Here’s an except from the introduction:

As I’m sitting here writing this book, I’m wishing you were sitting here with me. Wouldn’t it be nice to chat over a cup of hot chocolate and share our thoughts on life? To give and take, and grow, together? That’s the purpose of this book. It’s a chance to share, to reflect, and to grow.

I wrote In His Hands to share about God’s goodness, grace, and love during my cancer journey, and to maybe take a bit of fear from the world. My second book, All Is Well, is a collection of the poems that came from that journey. After reading those books, a few people approached me and commented on my faith and how nice it was that I could have such peace.

This book is an invitation.

You can rest in His hands, too.

For some reason, for some purpose, God carefully crafted us to be exactly who we are. Oh, we’re not done yet. I know I have a couple of corners that He’s still scrubbing at. Maybe you do, too?

But here we are, cherished and unique.

For the next 31 days, let’s celebrate our uniqueness by reflecting on who we are, who God is, and why He made us. It’ll only take about 10 minutes a day…

So, keep an eye out on Amazon! I can’t wait to hear what you think.