On the road again.

Yes, I had to type that. :-). I’m sitting on the porch swing of kabin 4 at the Unadilla KOA. My sleeping bag is rolled, my car is packed, and I’m ready to take off for day two. As soon as I figure out which direction to turn from the driveway.

Day one is always the simplest – I just get into my car and drive until I can’t go any further. I got a late start yesterday so I really didn’t make it too far.

But yesterday was still a Big Day.

A friend from the C.S. Lewis society pointed me in the direction of the Booklovers’ Gourmet – a beautiful little coffee and book shop in Webster. Mom and I drove out there yesterday and the owner agreed to sell my book on consignment. My little book is now on an actual store bookshelf. Stop by and get a picture of it for me (if you do, post it to In His Hands on Facebook — hey, while you’re at it, post a picture of yourself reading my book, too!).

Save the date — on Saturday, October 18th I’ll be doing a book reading/signing at the Booklovers’ Gourmet. Be sure to come. I’m hoping to have my second book (All Is Well: Poems From the Detour) available by then. That’s one of my tasks for this road trip – I’m planning to retype and format two poems a night. I did meet quota last night.

So, I’m going to post this, then get on with the journey.

Thanks again for traveling with me.

I’d love to hear from some of you — what ‘detours’ has God brought you along lately?