Wow! Internet twice in one week. I’m getting spoiled. 🙂

Today we’re in town running last minute errands and saying good-byes. We’ll swing by the tailors, stop off at the bank to get some money, buy some food for our trip down south, and stop off at the Internet cafe to try to book a ride home from the airport on the 12th.

There’s still so much to do, but not so much time. I’ve been cleaning out cabinets. Dad’s been rearranging pounds in suitcases, and Mom was up until 12:30 last night printing out book 8. Because of power fluctuations the printer wasn’t working very well, but she us making good progress. She’s still got a couple of books left to finish.

Today Dad and I took a four mile bicycle ride out through the corn and cotton fields. Now he’s getting the bikes ready to deliver to their new owners.

Tomorrow Mom and I are getting our hair braided. Sunday is the good-bye celebration. Our good-bye gift to the church is a meal – $400 worth of rice, sauce, and beef for about 200 people.

Please pray us through the next couple of days – that we can get everything done, while savoring every moment we’ve got left.