Today is two weeks from my last surgery. And it’s the first day of my third week of ‘vacation.’
A couple of my friends have jokingly commented on how lucky I am.
And I laugh and agree.
But the whiny one in me secretly cries out, “Lucky?! Lucky?? When I was nine I was torn away from my comfortable world and dragged around like an extra suitcase for nine years. When I was 20 I was a single mother on welfare trying to find enough money to buy a loaf of bread. When I was 33 my body staged a revolt and tried to kill me – I was fighting for my life instead of helping my son transition into his teen years. And who knows when my retina detached. Now I can’t do anything that might jar it for the rest of my life…”
But as the whiny one rants on as whiny ones do, the thoughtful one makes a new realization.
When I was nine I learned how to leave my comfort zone in the name of the King, and I saw the beautiful blessings that come from it. I also made family all across the globe – which significantly increased my comfort zone. When I was 19, drinking and drugging, God gave me a baby who turned my life around. He not only provided bread for each day, but He abundantly blessed us over and above each of our needs. When I was 33, I found new friends and family. I learned to depend and found so many who loved me that I could depend on. I found a strength that I didn’t know I had, and not only did my son successfully transition into his teens, but he’s sense transitioned into an adult who’s learned to leave his own comfort zone in the service of the king. And as for the detached retina – I was walking around for more than six months with a detached retina with absolutely no loss to my vision.
Seriously – that kind of looks lucky.
But those of us in the know don’t call it luck. It’s the hand of God.
And I have been nestled in that hand my whole life.
What about you? What’s your ‘luck’ story?