It’s been a while since I’ve last blogged. Perhaps that’s because I’ve been so busy living life, that I haven’t had a chance to sit down and think about it in a while. Hmmm. What have I done since I last posted?

I celebrated 5 years as a cancer survivor. I finished writing my book. I started my doctoral studies. I watched my little boy graduate from highschool with a 4.85 gpa… Seriously, could life get much more full that that?

Tomorrow is the last day of the 2011-2012 school year. My classroom is almost all wrapped up in newspapers and trash bags. The last report cards of the year are stuffed in their blue envelopes and resting in the children’s cubbies. I just have to go  in, pass out the medals won at our mini-olympics, give 21 hugs and wipe away liters of tears, eat a celebratory end of the year drumstick at the staff cookout, and then —

Well, I haven’t really decided what then.

I might go on a three week road trip out west to points unknown. I might hole up in my house and begin writing my sequel. I might head out to porch swing with that pile of books I’ve been hoping to get to.Or go to the beach with a friend. Or maybe I’ll go look at puppies.

I don’t have to decide today. I just have to live today. 🙂