My grandmother celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday.
We took her out to eat — my parents, my uncle and his wife, and my son and I. As we sat around the table, eating and laughing, she was quiet (she really can’t hear much of what we’re saying), but she was smiling the whole time.
90 years. That’s a long time! Especially when you know that she was very sickly as a child. When she was 8 years old, the doctor told her mother that she wouldn’t live to turn 9. And now she’s 90.
Granted, her life wasn’t always an easy one — she’s a three time cancer survivor — and my grandfather wasn’t always in the best of health, from shattered bones to a weary heart. And I know it was difficult, is difficult, each time she lets her youngest son head off to Africa. But despite the heartache (because of it?) she’s been faithful and God has used her mightily. She raised two boys who work hard at advancing God’s kingdom here on Earth. With her husband and some friends she started the church that I still attend today. She taught countless children (and adults) in Sunday school. She wrote poems and mentored young women. And she prayed.
I’m so grateful that doctor was wrong. Not only would I not be around without her, but my life wouldn’t be what it is without her. Sometimes I slow down and pause from my busy life just enough to almost realize how lucky I am. I look around at my peers and realize what an unfair advantage I’ve been given. I had a grandmother who prayed for me every day of my life since before I was born. What would my life have been like without that loving prayer coverage? Without that Godly guidance?
I don’t think I’m grateful enough.
Actually — I know I’m not.
But I am so grateful when I glance over at my son. I watch him navigate the world today, knowing that all of his days he’s had three generations of Faith-full women interceding for him. Yes, he will have trouble. But he’ll never face it alone. Even if he lives to be 90.
We have been so blessed.
Which reminds me of the promise — to whom much has been given, much is expected.
What am I doing with this amazing gift my Abba gave me? How am I doing at meeting His expectations? Although He loves a grateful heart, I don’t think that’s enough.
I know there’s nothing I can DO to get into Heaven — but there’s still plenty that I can do.
So I’m going to.
But first I’m going to pray – for my grandmother. 🙂