What a wonderful snow day today could have been…
I feel strongly that snow storms should come on Mondays to maximize their potential of cancelling school. Or on Wednesday to break up a monotonous work week. Or even, occasionally,on a Friday to give the weekend a fresh, clean head start.
But on a Saturday?
That’s already a day off. A day out of the ordinary. A day spend any which way I choose. 
Take today for instance. I had plans for today.
I was going to start the day off with a quick fast forward bible study, followed by a trek into Worcester for a C.S. Lewis society conference on the Narnia Code. Then I was going to go out for lunch (and possibly swing by the bank and pick up some groceries) before heading over to a friend’s house for a party. Then dinner, followed by catching my Uncle’s bluegrass concert before heading home again just in time to welcome my parents back to this country.
But all of that’s been cancelled by this mischeduled snowstorm.
All I’ve done so far today is slept an extra 2 1/2 hours, spent an hour buried in His Word with my Abba, and chatted and solved riddles with my son.
Long pause.
Hesitant silence.
Stilled soul as I sit and gaze at the falling flurry outside the window.


And suddenly I get it.

What a wonderful snow day today is turning out to be.